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Local Party Vice Chair

What's the Role?

The Vice Chair is a position that has strategic value to any party. It involves you in the heart of the Grimsby and Cleethorpes Liberal Democrat party and is good experience for those who may want to become Chair in the future. 


The Vice Chair can be a kind of 'Minister Without Portfolio', available to take on some tasks not obviously someone else's responsibility. It works equally well as a leadership and an advisory role. 

Key Tasks

  • Temporarily take on Chair responsibilities if needed.


  • Advising the Chair, for example acting as a sounding board.


  • Take on tasks not obvious to some else’s role and/or any officer positions that remain temporarily unfilled.







How to Apply

It is a constitutional requirement for each local party to have a Vice Chair. As such, it is elected at your AGM each year. Any member of the local party can stand to be Vice Chair.

Skills & Attributes

  • The ability to work productively in a team.

  • Adaptability, and a preparedness to take on unexpected new roles and responsibilities when the Chair is unavailable.

  • The ability to identify issues that require actions, and to facilitate decision-making.

  • A chairing style which balances the need to be inclusive, and ensuring everyone's views are heard, with the need to avoid significant overruns of time or a descent into excessive detail.

  • Sufficient personal influence within the local party to ensure officers are working towards the agreed strategy.

  • The soft skills which help meetings emerge from potential conflicts or arguments.

  • An understanding of the importance of acting within due process, and an awareness of those processes.

  • The ability to speak on behalf of the local party with clarity and judgement.

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