Park Ward
Meet your Liberal Democrat Campaigner
Zach Kellerman
Psychotherapist and Health campaigner Zachary Kellerman has joined the Lib Dem team to tackle years of neglect across Park Ward.
"My experience across the NHS and third sector has given me a deep understanding of the types of ongoing local needs Park Ward residents face, such as isolation and the effects of increased crime across the ward.
Our community has been let down time and time again by the Conservative administration for far too long now, and with Labour's Shadow Mental Health Secretary quitting last year after seeing no space for mental health in Keir Starmer's Party; this points to a wider issue of Labour offering nothing but just more of the same. You deserve better. Park deserves better. North East Lincolnshire deserves better.
A new perspective is needed. A hard working Liberal Democrat will get the ward shining back to its full potential, as we've seen previously when our Lib Dem colleague Cllr Andrew De Freitas campaigned tirelessly to improve Park. I aim to walk in his footsteps".