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Local Party Diversity Officer

What's the Role?

The Diversity Officer needs to be someone in the local party that has a passion for people and is supposed to bring in diversity to the party with the aim of making the local party more relatable to the community. It needs someone who can reach out to different groups within the community, and who is happy to go to many events to meet new and different people.


This is a very fun role as you get to learn about your local community and the many different groups that give it its diversity. You will be educated about these groups, but also prepared to learn about their concerns, so that you can help the Executive group take them into consideration when discussing and deciding the local manifesto or different policies.


This role can also be a great help to your local party’s fundraising and campaigning activities, as well as your Membership Officer when it comes to organising events. Be open and diverse in your thoughts, and never make an assumption about any of the groups in the community.

How to Apply

The Diversity Officer is a position on the local party Executive Committee. As such, it is elected each year at the local party AGM. All local party members are eligible to stand.




Key Tasks

  • Make a list of the groups in your community, including all of the charities in your area.

  • Make contact with all of these groups, and arrange to go to their events and meet their management team.

  • Help these local groups organise their events, and volunteer to help staff them.

  • Set up a diversity calendar, containing important cultural events and dates.

  • Make a social media message plan, to make sure you are putting the right messages out on the right days.

  • Share details of diversity events in your area on your social media pages.

  • Invite these groups to attend your local party events, so that they can educate your members.

Skills & Attributes

  • Research skills to be able to identify and find information on the local groups and learn about them.

  • Interpersonal skills, so you can make a good impression when you meet new people.

  • Being outgoing and enjoy talking to people and attending events.

  • Organisational skills, as you will open the door for receiving emails from these groups.

  • Event planning, so you can help with their events or arrange events for your local party for certain "diversity days".

  • Social media skills so you can help your social media and campaigning teams with content on "diversity days".

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